Friday, May 11, 2012


In second grade last week I was teaching about graphing coordinate points. We first did practice on geoboards with rubber bands. Then I made a cute activity where they had to place a certain color dot on the coordinate points.  

 We did a day of the week activity to review the order of the days and what day comes after which.

 First and second graders were both able to do the activity.  They like the colorful cards and having to write an answer to the cards on another sheet  of paper.

 Second graders did a clock matching game for class one day.  I had a bunch of clocks hanging up on the white board. The students had to find the correct clock spelling to match up.  It was another hit.  Students couldn't wait to be called on to go place the match on underneath the clock on the board.

 First and second graders learned about base ten blocks.  I made "placemats" for each student with a column for hundreds, tens, and ones and we made our numbers based on that.

The placemat that we used to do our base ten blocks.....

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