Wednesday, October 9, 2013


We were cleaning in my parents attic the other day and found this Big Bird chair that I got for my birthday when I was 2 years old...We brought it to our house and Ruthanna likes to sit in it.  The first day she would just sit in it, but now she climbs on it, stands up and starts waving her arms and yelling....she is 13 months now and running all over the place. Crawling is a thing of the her doctor appointment last month, she was 24.5 pounds and 2 feet, 9 inches.  She is starting to follow simple commands-- putting things in the garbage for us, getting something, giving a kiss, etc... when I am sweeping the floor, she is right there with the dust pan ready to help!   Her favorite foods are pasta and cereal and she likes to drink out of her sippy cup.  She knows where her toes, nose, fingers and hair are-- and we are working on the rest....We found my cabbage patch dolls that I had as a kid and she loves those. She carries them over her shoulder, rocks them in the doll cradle or covers them up with the blanket.

So this fall, Ruthanna and I started going to MOPS-- Mothers of preschoolers-- basically and child not in school. We have gone 3 times so far.  Anyways, the moms all meet in a room and have a speaker, brunch, craft, visiting, etc...while the children go to a childcare setting. It's for 2 hours. Last week, Ruthanna made it an hour and a half before she missed me too badly and I came to her rescue. 

I'm teaching music at the church school, so a few times Ruthanna has gotten to go and visit the teachers' kids during that half hour. She loves that. I come and pick her up and she hardly notices I have entered the room...she will be busy pushing the doll in the stroller or stacking blocks...

Ruthanna yelling from the chair!

1 comment:

  1. Ruthanna, my goodness you have learned so many things since I saw you eight weeks ago! Wow! And your hair is really growing. I can see curls! How cool that you can sit on your mommy's Big Bird chair and carry her cabbage patch dolls. I can hardly wait until I see you again. You and your mommy are sure doing fun things together. Daddy will be home soon! He will be surprised at all you can do! Love you so much,
    Nana and Grandpa Dean
