Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cape Inscription

This is the ship I was on for a week. It is called the Cape Inscription and is one of the many R.O.S.(reduced operating status) ships on the U.S. coasts. This ship is a RO-Ro(roll on roll off) and can haul as many as 4000 Humvees. She normally has a crew of 9, but when activated as in this turbo activation test, 32 are needed. It took only two days to get the full crew aboard(even one from South Dakota!) and all machinery in full operation status. While at sea we did many tests on machinery and maneuvering the ship itself. 
Amwyar and I, the two third assistant engineers.  He is originally from Yemen so he was interesting to visit with.

The chad burn is what is used to get orders from the captain for different speeds in ahead or astern.  

This is the top of the low pressure turbine and the high pressure turbine is on the far side.

Back at the dock with the ramp down, sitting beside a sister ship the Cape Isabel.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! Thanks so much for sharing! We always enjoying learning about what you are doing, Andrew! Madelyn, Phil and I enjoyed our time with you! Ruthanna is such a wonderful and precious little sweetie! God bless you, Andrew, as you head back to the ship soon!
