Monday, July 30, 2012

Canning Peaches....

Well, it's the time of year where we go to the big fruit sale in Milbank and then can peaches.  This year my mom and I canned over two days and did over 100 quarts!
 My mom is good at teaching my things-- how to cook, can, or whatever else I have questions about.

 Putting the jar in the canner--- we only had two break on us this year.
 Half way through with what we had done so far.  Baby Larson will like the fruit late winter/early spring.


  1. Rebecca, you are blessed to live so close to your parents and be able to share this moments with them. We always canned peaches too. Grandma and Grandpa Larson would bring fruit from Washington and we would can and can. I loved having the fruit. When the kids were babies I would just open a jar and blend it. Very handy!!! You look great, Rebecca!

  2. Hey Rebecca, Its Peg thanks for sharing your blog :) Its great being able to catch up with you since its been like 8 yrs!
