Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Abraham Noble Larson!

 Our son Abraham was born at 4:47 pm on monday, april 27, 2015.
 Our doctor Pastel Fligge checking out our little bundle of joy soon after birth.
 Weighing in at 8 pounds and 5.7 ounces.
 Embracing our new addition to the family!
 Grandpa Dummann was in town for parts and so he beat everyone else to the hospital.
 Ruthanna taking it all in, not for long though, she adjusted real quickly to having a baby brother now.
 Lots of kisses were in store for Abraham from big sister!
Ruthanna did want to hold Abraham the whole time, but let grandma hold him for a while.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Winter Fun!

Storytime for the frogs--Ruthanna likes to pretend she's the storytime teacher just like at library- her audience is my frog collection.

My dad, Andrew, and Ruthanna went ice fishing a few times this winter-- here they are standing with one of their catches!

Last month we butchered a pig before Andrew left for work- here thery are skinning it.

Cutting up meat and grinding-- beginning th process

Ruthanna is always right there to help with whatever the project is that we are doing

Packaging the meat into bags

George, Andrew and Marty putting the meat into rolls for making sausage

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter and such...

We had some firends over-- Sidney and Spencer over to help decorate cookies. Everyone had fun!

Putting the frosting on one of our cookies

Easter morning-- finding the Easter basket!

Coloring eggs at my parents house on Easter

Making laundry soap today

The finished product of laundry soap-- a five gallon bucket of it.

Getting closer to our due date!!   34 weeks along!