Thursday, July 31, 2014

Cousin time

 Ruthanna's cousins came for a week and boy did we have fun!   They got to work on hair...

The hair stylists!
                                               Going for a wagon ride
 Grandpa with the two older girls ready fo a ride
 Grandpa came with the four wheeler and asked if anyone wanted a ride. The girls went running towards him!

Enjoying the ride
                                                        playing kitchen
Three cooks in the kitchen!

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Two weekends ago Ruthanna and I went camping with my family near Milbank.  
                                     Some of the family...
 Ruthanna by our cabin that we shared with my parents
 Ruthanna and me
Ruthanna riding a trike with my dad...lots of fun for the cousins with the bikes and push cars.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Philadelphia pt 2..please touch museum

 Ruthanna and I bought a city bus tour ticket for a couple days.  There were 21 stops that you could hop on and off. One stop was the children's museum. We only had a few hours to be there but could have easily spent a day there.

 They had a pretend hospital and doctors office. Ruthanna liked taking care of the doll.
                                                   Grocery store

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Philadelphia part one

 We flew out to see Andrew this last weekend in PPhiladelphia.   Going out there our seat beside us was empty so Ruthanna could buckle her baby in.

   .                                                      smiles when we saw Dad
                                                                                           eating chips In the hotel room
                 Went to a museum with Ruthanna is steering a boat.

                                            sitting in a boat

We Rented a boat shaped like a swan to take out for a bit.  Ruthanna willingly put her life jacket on.

                                                   Enjoying  the boat ride

                                                                    Family picture

Saturday, July 5, 2014

mommy's helper

 After we picked the strawberries (16 pounds!) We brought them home to freeze.  RRuthanna's job was to hand them to me when it was time to bag them.

strawberry picking

A couple weeks ago we went to a you pick strawberry patch.  Ruthanna and her cousin worked together at picking and filling their buckets.

 Hard at work finding the berries...we had red ones, green ones, and a few white ones when the girls finished.  :)