Monday, July 30, 2012

Haying with the horses....

We bought a couple of horses last month and brought them home last week. One is a yearling and the other is a two year old.  The two year old is good at driving already and has been put to good use in the field.
 We also brought one back to try out and see if we like them.  The Amish had used a couple of them in the fields so they have had good practice.

 Andrew is able to use the horses to make hay in one of the hayfields a couple of miles from our house. He started it last Thursday and is almost done with the project. Here he is mowing hay.
 He has also been hauling bales.

 After it's mowed, it's time to rake. This year he's using the dump rake.

 There are two teams of horses-- the browns that we recently brought back to our farm and then Andrew's black horse that he puts with my dad's black horse.  The team works half a day usually and then it's time to switch.

 We bought two wagons at an auction last week.  Andrew fixed the one up and we had it out in the field this last weekend putting our hay on it.  Andrew pitches it on, then packs it down and pitches some more on.

 Even I helped a little bit.... 9 months pregnant!

 The horses stand good while the hay is being pitched on. They are very calm and gentle horses.
 And, ready to head home with the load of hay.....So far we've done three big loads of it. It will be good  hay for the winter.

Heading home with the wagon load of hay.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew, I am so proud of you and that you have been blessed with the talents you have including working with horses. You never cease to amaze me at the things you can do! I love you!
