Well, we started out the holiday season at my parents house...we were going to have our get together on December 25th, but that morning, Andrew and George had a horse accident. They were driving the horses and the horses took off and George fell off---resulting in a broken leg. Andrew and I spent the next couple of days in Aberdeen at the hospital.

Up and walking down the halls a day after surgery

Dinner time at the hospital

We had our family get together at the end of that week---- December 29th. Here is a picture of my siblings, parents and I.

myself, George, and my sister Stephanie

These are my nieces and nephew and I. Ethan is 13, Kayla is 11 and Larissa turned one on Christmas Day.


Here are the horses that Andrew has been working with. They've been doing better lately and getting good at hauling hay, hauling manure, etc.

We've been back in school for 2 weeks. Today we had off for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It was nice to have the day off and get things caught up around the house. I think tomorrow the Christmas tree will come down. That will officially end the Christmas season.
I always look forward to looking at your blog. It is a wonderful way to share your life with family and friends. Thanks for sharing! You and Andrew are a special couple with love in each and every picture! God bless you both!