We cut our Christmas tree at my parents farm a couple of weeks ago. I like the real trees that we would have each year for Christmas growing up. This is my first year of having my "own."

We brought it in and set it in the stand and then let it air out over night before we decorated it.

School is coming to a close for the semester. Only 4 days to go this week and then we are at Christmas break. This also marks the end of the second quarter, so then we are half way done with the school year. We have been making art projects for the season. Here we made snowmen.

Andrew has been working with his team of horses. They are making good progress. Today he hooked a wagon up to them and they are able to pull it with out being scared.

My reindeer/moose collection on our entertainment center.

Our decorated Christmas tree.

One of my favorite ornaments that has my name on it

Our house with the lights on. Andrew hung a bunch of lights this year, so it looks nice and bright when you come down the street toward our house.

Pictures of us--- our first Christmas season together married.
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