We ended the month of October by doing some carving of pumpkins and getting ready for the trick-or-treaters. We had quite a few, considering we live in town.

Here we are with our carved pumpkin, in between the kids coming down the street to our house to trick or treat.

We were in Lemmon last weekend and did some hunting and work on the farm. Andrew's two friends from Michigan, Dan and Mike came out as well.
Here we are hunting with our new gun.

The kids at school learned about clocks, so here is one activity that they did: they rolled the dice, and whatever they rolled on the dice was the time they would draw on their paper. I had a clock stamper that they used to stamp and then draw the time that they rolled...for example, a roll of a 5 on the dice would you 5:00.

I made these cute counting dimes cards...I found them on the internet and laminated them. They have dimes on each card and the kids have to count the coins and write the time on the corresponding sheet.

Today in second grade, we learned about ordering two digit numbers. I found these cards online also, so I printed them and laminated them for a future lesson (today.) Each card has four numbers and they have to put the numbers in the correct order.

And, finally tonight: winterizing our house, since it's the middle of November. We still have no snow, but snow is in the near future. Andrew is putting plastic on our windows to keep the cold air out.
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