Onboard the M.V. Virginian there is a lot of maintenance to do and periodic breakdowns that need immediate attention. In this picture I am finishing up with a fuel pump replacement. Parts like these, and exhaust valves, injectors, etc are changed out after a certain amount of hours used. Then we rebuild the parts to have ready for the next change out. For example, the fuel pumps are changed out every 10000 hours or a little over a year of operating time, but with 6 on each engine, that means about one a month.

This is the control room and the name says it all. We have control of everything as well as a monitoring system that shows us pressures, temperatures, speeds, levels, etc. Unfortunately everything doesn't work perfect, so there is a lot that has to be done out in the engine room to keep the ship running.

This here is a spare crank rod, which connects the piston to the crankshaft. As you can see it is taller than me and weighs probably 15 times as much as me. A lot of the parts on the ship are too heavy to lift by hand, so chain falls, come alongs, and cranes are used extensively to move parts around and into place.
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