Last week the second graders were learning about halves, fourths and eighths in math class. We used apples to help learn about it. I chose 3 different kinds of apples, so then we could do it three times and then at the end we each got to taste the apples to find out which was our favorite. We made a tally graph and then made a bar graph to show our results.

I started cutting the first apple into half and asked them how many halves make up a whole apple. We discussed that one part of the apple is called one half then. Then I asked how many pieces I would have if I cut both halves into half again (4.)

We had fourths then and knew that four fourths make up a whole. We discussed how each part of those is called one-fourth. I asked how many pieces we would have if I cut each of those into half again. Some knew right away that it would be 8.

We did that 2 more times, as I had two more different kinds of apples. Then the kids got a piece from each apple and had to decide on their favorite.

When they got done tasting their apples, they were instructed to raise their hand telling what their favorite kind was. I had 3 plates with the kind identifed on there.

As they raised their hand, I called on them to tell me their favorite. I made a tally graph as they responded. We tally each day, so the kids are getting good at that.

Here is what our results looked like...

Then the students used that information to make a bar graph based on how many students liked each kind of apple.