This year since I have my "own" classroom, I made a bulletin board for calendar time. I use this board with the first and second graders...anyways, here's the calendar time as of now. It's not full yet, but maybe less busy is good for the kids.

We put the weather card up each day of the week. Then on Monday we start over. We also have a book that we graph our weather in. The kids think it's a real treat to be chosen to put the date up or weather or mark off the days, etc...

We have a hundred days of school chart hanging up on the bulletin board, so each day, we color off one more box.

Whatever the day is that we mark off on the hundreds chart, we find the corresponding number card and number word card. This teaches them what a number looks like spelled out.

Today we used the calendar and counted from 1-31. This student got to be the helper with pointing to each number as we said it. The two girls had to follow along and count with him.

The second graders started singing the days of the week song, so they got to take turns pointing to the day as we sang it in the song. We had to sing it 4 times, so each second grader got a chance to be the helper!
And, then we sang the months of the year song, and the second graders got to take turns pointing to the months as we came to them in the song. The kids think it's fun to sing a song in math class and it's fun that they catch on so quickly to a new song.

Anyways, I wanted to document this bulletin board. Although it's my third year teaching, it's the first year that I've been in charge of the calendar time and math meeting board. It will be interesting to see how it changes in years to come....