Thursday, February 28, 2013

6 month Dr visit..

Ruthanna had her 6 month checkup last week.  She's doing good and growing and developing right on track.  Back next month for one more shot.
Daddy and Ruthanna
Ruthanna didn't want to lay down on the scale--- so it was hard to get an exact weight!
Mommy and Ruthanna
Getting the first oral vaccination---after all the vaccinations Ruthanna got a book from the doctor this month.

Florida continued....

My dad and Ruthanna in the pool..Ruthanna loved playing with the ball.
This little fish pond area was under construction when we came last time....this year it was done.  There are neat little walkways to walk around.
It was a neat little place to get pictures.  The spot we stayed at last year is in the background.
All of parents, Andrew, Ruthanna, and I.

What a difference a year makes...this tree was outside where we stayed last time. Last year I was 5 months pregnant, this year Ruthanna is 6 months old.
Our house we stayed at
Playing in the sand

Monday, February 25, 2013

Florida part 2

Andrew took a class about firefighting. They had a ship simulator that they were able to do some exercises on.

Another day at the beach...Ruthanna 5 1/2 months old

We went to the Butterfly World while in Florida.  One exhibit you could feed the birds and they would all flock towards you.  Ruthanna thought that was pretty fun!

My parents were with us for 5 days while down there. Here they are with Ruthanna at the Butterfly World.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Florida part 1

We went to Florida for 2 weeks...we left on the 3rd and returned on the 17th.  Andrew took two classes at the shipping school, and because of bringing extra people, we were able to have a spacious house...
One bedroom
Master bedroom

Big laundry room to wash our clothes
Big master bathroom
Big kitchen to eat/cook in if we wanted to
In the airplane going there..Ruthanna traveled great!  She was full of smiles and hardly made a peep.
We had a lot more bags this trip than our last trip..makes a difference with a baby!
Andrew and Ruthanna in the front of the airplane
We hung out at the Koenig girls house one night and caught up with them.

At the ocean. Ruthanna loved the water and getting her feet wet.


Bathtime at the beginning of the month...Ruthanna 5 1/2 months  She loves her baths, so it's fun.

Dressed after the bath and ready to play some more before bedtime

Friday, February 1, 2013

I'm Home!

 Apparently Ruthanna got tired of waiting for my delayed flight and took a nap! About 15 minutes later she awoke in the jeep and was a little frightened, but after staring at my face for a while and pulling on my beard, she must have remembered her daddy. I could hardly recognize Rebecca when I got off the plane because she has lost so much weight! Well this was what I was looking forward to for the last two and a half months, coming home to my family! I am still trying to adjust to the below zero temperatures though.
 I was happy to feed Ruthanna a delicious banana smoothie that Rebecca made with the baby bullet. She seems very happy to be eating like a big girl.
 Ruthanna is very interested in books and it is such a great joy to entertain her in any way possible.